Home English According to FMCSA The Final Rule Setting The UCR Fees For The 2019 Year Will be Published In The Federal Register Next Week

According to FMCSA The Final Rule Setting The UCR Fees For The 2019 Year Will be Published In The Federal Register Next Week

by Punjabi Trucking

FMCSA has announced that the final rule setting the UCR fees for the 2019 year will be published in the Federal Register next week. The UCR Board of Directors has delayed the beginning of UCR registration for 2019 until the rule was published, so the anticipated appearance of the rule in the Register would open the registration process as soon as next week. The proposed UCR fees for 2019 will range from $63 for carriers and freight forwarders that operate no vehicles or no more than two vehicles, as well as all brokers and leasing companies covered by UCR, on up to a fee of $60,441 for motor carrier or freight forwarder fleets of more than 1,000 vehicles.

Proposed fees for 2019:
Number of Trucks                                      Fee
0-2                                                                $63
3-5                                                               $187
6-20                                                             $372
21-100                                                        $1,299
101-1,000                                                  $6,190
1,001 and above                                      $60,441

The UCR Board has requested all states to hold off on enforcement of the 2019 registration requirements for 90 days following the opening of annual registration. That should make the enforcement date some time toward the end of March 2019.

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