Home English CVSA’s Annual Unsafe Driving Crackdown- July 14 – 20

CVSA’s Annual Unsafe Driving Crackdown- July 14 – 20

by Punjabi Trucking

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s annual Operation Safe Driver Week is going to be focused on speeding. As we all know speeding is the main factor in all motor vehicle fatalities.

Law enforcement officers during the week will be looking for speeders during the week while promoting the message: “Late won’t kill you, speeding will.”

In addition to speeding, law enforcement will be looking for other dangerous driving behaviors, including distracted driving, texting, failure to use a seatbelt, following too closely, improper lane change, reckless or aggressive driving, failure to obey traffic control devices, evidence of drunk or drugged driving and more.

Last year, nearly 11,000 citations were issued to truck and bus drivers. Law enforcement pulled over or inspected more than 42,000 commercial vehicle drivers during 2018’s Operation Safe Driver Week and issued 10,709 citations and 29,908 warnings for unsafe driving. The top five citations issued were for violations of state and local laws (6,008 citations), speeding (1,908), failing to use a seat belt (1,169), failure to obey a traffic control device (754) and using a handheld phone (262).

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